The Retail Crime Uncovered Podcast.

Hosted by Professor Emmeline Taylor, a leading criminologist, and in partnership with Sekura Global, this podcast explores the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in retail crime prevention.

Episode 14:.

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics” said the former UK Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. How do we know which sources of crime data are reliable and credible – and does it matter if they attract the desired attention to crime across the sector?

In this episode Emmeline outlines the ‘dark figure of crime’ and draws upon some examples of industry surveys that have been conducted to fill the gap between police recorded crime figures and actual rates of crime. The episode ends with 6 key takeaways on how to use, interpret, and advance the data pool that the industry relies on.

Episode 13:.

Farrah McNutt is an inspiring entrepreneur and founder of Catch a Thief. Her company uses a mix of methods to identify repeat offenders and build evidence. As a former shoplifter in her teenage years, she brings real world experience on tackling retail crime. In this episode Emmeline and Farrah talk about the latest retail crime trends, the importance of tech solutions, and a shared love of curry!

Episode 12:.

Emmeline is in conversation with Paul Gerrard, Campaigns and Public Affairs Director for the Co-op Group, about the pioneering campaign work under the Safer Colleagues, Safer Communities initiative – this is how you drive meaningful change! The Co-op is one of the world’s largest consumer co-operatives, owned by millions of members. It is the UK’s fifth biggest food retailer with more than 2,500 local, convenience and medium-sized stores.

Episode 11:.

In this episode Emmeline explores the notion that theft has been decriminalised in the UK. The official figures do not make for a palatable listen. Emmeline outlines why now is the time to act to turn the tide on the shoplifting epidemic. To understand the importance of early intervention in what might be considered ‘petty theft’ as someone starts their offending career, she talks to a former prolific offender about her experiences from having a full-time job at a top hairdressing salon to a life of crime and addiction.

Episode 10:.

In this episode of Retail Crime Uncovered Emmeline catches up with Stewart Farrell, Head of Retail Loss Prevention at Next, to check in on how the busy run up to Christmas went in terms of sales and losses. Stewart talks about some of the innovations and solutions at Next that are helping them to better track product and protect from theft and fraud. As one of the contributors to Operation Pegasus we hear about the importance of collaboration across the industry, and importantly, what’s behind the door at 10 Downing Street!

Episode 9:.

In this week’s episode Emmeline talks to Trahern Pollard who is the Founder and CEO of We Push for Peace. The nonprofit organisation provides Community Outreach guards in place of traditional security, to not only create jobs, but more importantly, to change the way people think about community engagement, relationships, and opportunity. Trahern’s hard work and innovation has seen his organisation partner with major household names such as Whole Foods in several US cities including Chicago, Detroit and New York. It’s also taken him to the White House on multiple occasions. If there is someone who understands the importance of people when it comes to safety and security, it’s Trahern.

Meet the host:
Emmeline Taylor

Explore Sekura’s captivating podcast hosted by Emmeline Taylor, highly regarded Professor of Criminology. She has extensive experience across public, private, and academic sectors. One of her key areas of expertise includes retail risk and security & offender behaviors. Currently, she is working on projects to improve retail security, tackle violence towards staff, reduce loss of goods, and prevent criminal damage. Emmeline has published six books, and hosts the “Retail Crime Uncovered” podcast. She frequently appears on national TV and contributes to the government’s National Retail Crime Strategy Group and the Home Office’s Expert Panel for the Commercial Victimization Survey. She also chairs the Business Crime Reduction Partnerships National Standards Board.

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