Loss Prevention Products Overview.
Making loss prevention simpler, safer and Sekura
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Our responsibilities towards others, within our immediate and international community, are part of our core values as an organisation. We are committed to ensuring our business activities are ethically, socially and environmentally responsible and relationships are supported and sustainable. All suppliers to Sekura Global are required to share these aims.
Ethical Responsibilities
We require our suppliers to adhere to the key principles set out in the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code. A full copy, including translation, is available to download at, www.ethicaltrade.org (opens in new tab):
Suppliers should employ workers in accordance with the laws of your country and ensure these policies and procedures conform to the provisions of the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards.
Social Responsibilities
Together we have a moral and legal obligation to our customers and the wider public to ensure:
Environmental Responsibilities
We require our suppliers to help us make efforts to minimise our impact on the environment and therefore require:
Our relationship is a Partnership
In return for demonstrating your commitment as a supplier to sharing Sekura Global’s values and principles we can offer you: