Highly secure, damage free & food safe.

Secures merchandise.
No damage or pierced packaging.

Its clamping jaws allow for total grip and is the world’s first tag to fully comply with food standards. This secures the item without the use of a pin which may compromise the integrity of the packaging.



Request your sample of the GRIPTAG.

Safe: Impossible to overtighten, so no damage to frames
Resistant: Stainless steel retaining plates – anti-corrosion and resistant to humidity
No damage: Lateral jaw opening for optimum pack grip without the need for a pin
Simple: Easy application and removal process
Strong: Available for S3/Standard, Superlock and MegaLoc™ detachers
Customisable: Can be produced in bespoke colourways to match customer branding
Compatible: Effective with or without existing AM/RF EAS systems

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Contact us to explore our product range and request samples, allowing you to experience Sekura’s innovative retail security solutions first-hand.



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